72 Magic (Standard Edition)

CD Track List

  1. 說愛你 (Say Love You)
  2. 看我72變 (72 Magic)
  3. 假面的告白 (Fake Confess)
  4. 奴隸船 (Slave Ship)
  5. 布拉格廣場 (Prague Square)
  6. 做一天的你 (Be You For A Day)
  7. Prove It
  8. 爆米花的味道 (Smell Of The Popcorn)
  9. 馬甲上的繩索 (Rope On Vest)
  10. 好東西 (Good Thing)
  11. 騎士精神 (The Spirit Of Knight)
  • Product Title
    72 Magic (Standard Edition)
  • Release Date
    07 March 2003
  • Language
  • Format
  • Publisher
    Sony Music Entertainment Taiwan Ltd
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