- Name: Jolin Tsai (Cai Yi Ling) (蔡依林)
- Height: 158cm
- Birthday: 15 / 9 / 1980
- Place of Birth: Taipei
- Religion: Taoism
- Star Sign: Virgo
- Highest Level of qualification: Furen University
- Family Members: Father , Mother , one eldest sister
- New Car Name (BF): 藍凌志
- Collections: Jewelly Accessories (Ring, chain, etc)
- Favorite Phrase: It was like....Oh my god!
- Favorite Movie: My Best Friend's Wedding
- Favorite Season: Summer Favorite
- Fruit: Fruits that good for health
- Favorite Flower: Fragrant Lily
- Favorite Colour: Pink like hello Kitty!
- Favorite Music: Hip - Hop , R & B, Pop Rock
- Most Unforgetful Memory: 1 mth tour in LA
- Most Confident Area: Singing
For more other information, pls visit
English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolin_Tsai
Chinese: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/蔡依林